By Liam Gellie
Osteoporosis is a common disease that affects 1 in 4 women and 1 in 6 to 7 men. It is a condition that makes bones more brittle than normal, leading to a higher risk of fractures being sustained due to a low bone density. Osteopenia is also a condition of low bone density; however, these changes are not as severe as those seen in osteoporosis.
There are a number of treatment options for osteoporosis including, calcium, vitamin D intake and exercise in order to optimise bone health.
It has been shown that strength training and impact exercise can have a positive impact on bone density and bone health. When a bone is loaded with more force than it is used to (provided it’s not too great to cause a fracture), it starts a process that allows bone building cells to lay down bone that adapts and remodels which over time gets stronger.
Guidelines for exercise to improve bone health suggest that:
- exercise must be regular (ideally 3 times per week)
- exercises should progress over time
- exercise programs should be varied
Often people that have osteoporosis can experience other co-morbidities such as osteoarthritis, falls and balance problems that can make engaging in suitable exercise programs more difficult. Physiotherapists can assist in developing and guiding a program tailored for an individual at the correct level, without exacerbating aches and pains or complications with osteoporosis.
Our clinical exercise/strength classes are physiotherapist-run exercise classes utilising strength and Pilates equipment, personalised to each individuals’ injuries or goals. These classes run every day in Olinda and most days in Mt Evelyn and can be claimed though private health insurance.
An initial appointment with one of our physiotherapists to develop an appropriate program is needed before commencing these classes. Please book online via our website or call our reception on 9751 0400 to find a time that suits you.